Since all of our NIU Club members made it on our “nice” list this year, we have decided to share a gift with our community: a 2022 NIU Year’s calendar!


We assembled this calendar to celebrate important dates in sustainability, mobility, and technology. (We may have included a couple random dates just for fun, too.) These dates are punctuated by beautiful photos taken by NIU content creators (see below for the full list). Each month features either a classic NIU product, such as the NQi GT, or one of our exciting new products, like the MQi GT EVO and RQi!

Keep reading to learn more about the calendar and how to print your own wall or desk calendar!


The NIU 2022 wall calendar hanging in an office
The 2022 NIU Year calendar looks great on a wall or a desk!


Special dates on our 2022 calendar

We wanted to make our 2022 NIU Year calendar special, and the dates we chose to highlight in the next year are no exception!

Some dates we chose in honor of sustainability include Energy Efficiency Day and Zero Emissions Day. Although the names might be self-explanatory, these days are important in raising awareness and building a global community dedicated to using less fossil fuel, reducing pollution, and finding greener energy alternatives in daily life that positively impact our environment. We feel passionately about recognizing these days because NIU scooters represent zero emissions, and a cheaper, more efficient way to navigate urban communities.

With our mission to redefine urban mobility, it only makes sense that we shine the spotlight on some key dates related to mobility. One of those dates is the invention of the first locomotive to haul cargo in 1804, which would revolutionize how people and goods are transported for generations to come. Certainly another important development in urban mobility was the creation of the bicycle, which we recognize in our calendar through a number of annual celebrations like Bike Week and Cycle to Work Day.

At NIU, technology and innovation are at the crux of everything we create. This 2022 calendar also celebrates modern innovators like Nikola Tesla, who reimagined the world with new technology. You’ll find his birthday on the calendar, along with NIU’s own birthday, having launched our very first product on June 1, 2015.


Create your own calendar

To get started creating your own calendar, follow these steps:

1. Download the desk or wall version

There are two versions of the calendar: a desk size (A4) and a wall size (A3). The desk calendar is available as JPEG pictures in a ZIP archive, or as a single PDF file. The wall calendar is available in a PDF file. Download using the links below:


2. Print the calendar

For an easy, at-home DIY project, you can print out the desk calendar on a home or office printer. For the more ambitious and crafty individuals in our audience, you can take the high quality version of the desk or wall calendar to a local shop to have it printed on photo paper.

Printer with NIU 2022 desk calendar
Print the NIU 2022 desk calendar at your home or office
3. Bind or hang up the calendar

After printing, you can bind the calendar with clips or have it spiral bound at a print shop. When it’s bound, you can hang the calendar with pins, wall hooks, or leave it on your desk for easy access.

Binding the NIU 2022 calendar with clips
Use clips or spiral bind the calendar after printing
4. Start 2022 the right way

Now that you’ve finished assembling your fancy new 2022 calendar, sit back and enjoy! Or start planning your 2022 journey!

Man pointing at NIU 2022 calendar
We hope you’re as excited about this calendar as we are


Thank you from NIU

We want to thank our whole NIU Club community for your support during the last year, and we wish you all the best in 2022!

We are also deeply grateful to our content creators who took these photos and made this 2022 calendar possible:

We hope you use this calendar and find new ways to #MakeLifeElectric in 2022!

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