We’re cruising right along! It’s week 9 of Friday Five and we’re talking about Europe, gigafactories, and the future. Turns out they’re all connected. Let’s find out how…

  1. The bigger the better
    It seems like the mobility industry likes to live by this philosophy, but for the new lithium ion factories, it’s actually true. We recommend reading how our friends at TechCrunch explain what goes on inside gigafactories.
  2. Europe wants in
    China already has a lot of lithium ion factories, but now Europe wants to rival Tesla’s gigafactory. This link also explains how these factories will turn into real savings for you.
  3. Speaking of Europe
    Ever wondered what the moped laws in Europe are? We came across this link and wanted to share it with you so you can be on top of all the rules when you buy a new electric scooter.
  4. The minds have met
    Meeting of the Minds is a great organization and you should check them out if you haven’t yet. They believe the future of transportation is car-sharing, ride sharing, and ride-hailing. We’d like to add our electric scooters to that future…
  5. The Urbanism of Singapore
    To some, that future has already arrived in Singapore. Check out Cheong Koon Hean as she explains how Singapore is using technology to make cities sustainable. PS; Mrs. Hean is a Harvard Business school grad and all around awesome women.

Current Event:
Lithium batteries can power more than just cars. Check out how they’re being used to help Puerto Rico recover.

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WELCOME TO YOUR FRIDAY FIVE! Welcome back to the Friday Five, your weekly roundup of the EV in the news!   Here are the top 5 stories that hit the headlines this week on EV and urban mobility.