Can electric scooters travel long distances? Join us as 16-year-old Ewan shares his story of overcoming range anxiety to reach his new home.

For some people living the electric scooter lifestyle, range anxiety can feel like a very real problem. But for the UK’s youngest NIU rider, Ewan, that anxiety is a problem of the past. Accompanied by his dad, Ewan rode his NIU scooter over 150 miles (240 km) from Coventry, UK to his new home on the Isle of Wight. That’s longer than 2,285 football fields!

Niu's youngest rider from the UK
Ewan and his NIU M-series scooter

For Ewan, calculating the range of his NIU was a key component to planning his long trip, so he knew where and how to charge the scooter battery. His NIU MQi+ Sport can average over 45 miles (72 km) per battery charge with one passenger and some gear, depending on the total weight. But Ewan wanted to take his urban mobility to the next level. “As I was soon moving to a new house from Coventry all the way down to the Isle of Wight, I needed a plan to ride my MQi+ Sport all the way there. So I started to map out the general route we would go,” he recalled.

Along the way, Ewan connected with community members who helped him ensure his battery was always topped up: local businesses, hotels, and individuals. Using his phone to navigate those long stretches of road during his ride was crucial to his success, as well. “The day before we set off, my NIU phone holder and cover luckily arrived just in time for our trip. This meant I could use my phone for directions rather than using my dad’s dodgy phone skills!”

1000 Miles on Scooter Odometer
Ewan surpasses 1,000 miles on his scooter

Navigating through cities, villages, and countryside, Ewan and his dad traveled down to Southampton where they would board the ferry. Along the way, Ewan’s electric scooter managed to turn some heads. “We saw a Brough Superior, an amazing motorbike, but my NIU was causing just as much attention!” Nearing the end of his road trip, Ewan crossed a significant threshold: 1,000 total miles (1609 km) traveled on his scooter! “As we were on our way to Andover, the odometer on the bike hit the 1,000-mile mark with no issues encountered.”

“On board the ferry, I charged the battery up one last time for the final leg of the journey. After a smooth crossing, we started making our way on the stretch to our new house on the Isle of Wight! We had made it!”

Thanks for sharing your story and important scooter milestone with us, Ewan! Enjoy your new home!

Have you taken a long road trip on your scooter? Let us know below, or read more NIU Crew Stories!

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