Welcome to the Friday Five! Today We’re talking about factories and luxurious cars. You’re getting a little bit of everything this week, so let’s get right to it.

  1. And the crystal ball says… Mega-factories
    We wish there actually was a crystal ball to see the future with, but there are industry experts that can give us a glimpse. See how huge lithium ion battery factories are about to spring up everywhere. We have our own factory at Niu that also produces a world class product.
  2. Lithium battery check
    And feel totally lost right now, check out this cool video that breaks down the lithium battery and explains how it works. These mega-factories are indeed building some super impressive batteries.
  3. While we’re on the topic…
    We’re super excited about the UK’s first electric double decker bus that came out last year. It may not be changing urban mobility, but it’s great to see electric technology being incorporated into iconic British culture.
  4. How to invest all my money into the electric car industry
    Don’t do that. At least not yet. But this easy-to-read article from Seeking Alpha explains what the best ways to invest in the industry are. Government subsidies are making investments a good bet.
  5. They’re putting luxurious into autonomous
    Mercedes-Benz has developed a concept car that is super cool and super futuristic. If you wonder what the mobility future may look like, check out the F 015 in action.


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WELCOME TO YOUR FRIDAY FIVE! Welcome back to the Friday Five, your weekly roundup of the EV in the news!   Here are the top 5 stories that hit the headlines this week on EV and urban mobility.